Dr. Rajendra Prasad: a Brief Biography by Tara Sinha

This brief biography of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, one of the tallest personalities of our time, narrates the fascinating story of the struggles and achievements of an unknown boy from an unknown village who, by dint of his extra-ordinary intelligence, keen intellect, hard work and selfless service rose to join the front rank of our national leaders—the builders of modern India.
Beginning with Rajendra Babu’s ancestry, it takes us through his childhood, education, brief lawyer’s career, Champaran Satyagraha with which began his close association with Mahatma Gandhi, and his subsequent involvement in Indian politics. A brief account of the successive phases of the national movement in which he was an active participant carries the story further. The significant role he played in constitution-making in his capacity as the President of the Constituent Assembly, and the guidance he provided to the nation as the first President of the Republic of India, make up the rest of the story, which, finally ends with a description of the brief nine-month period of his post-retirement days spent in his old hermitage Sadaqat Ashram in Patna.
A useful handbook on the life and career of an illustrious son and architect of modern India.

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Publication Author

Tara Sinha


Prabhat Prakashana

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Premium Books

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